
Skills Support for the Workforce

Our Skills Support for the Workforce project invited businesses, artists and small traders into our Fab Lab to take part in a course that trained them how to use the kit and then how to adapt it to their practice.

The Skills Support for the Workforce project was an intensive 6 day course aimed at businesses and craft practitioners. Participants were introduced to all the different approaches to designing and making that Fab Lab Plymouth has to offer. This included computer aided design using Rhino 3D and Illustrator, using the laser cutter, working with the different types of 3D printers that we have and subtractive modelling using CNC (Computer Numerical Control) milling. The course provided the skills needed to unlock the potential of digital fabrication for a variety of different  ideas, products and projects.

As well as getting makers up to speed with the latest digital tools our dedicated team of specialists helped with the development and refinement of individually focussed  work. With the help of expert guidance those on the course achieved outstanding results that changed the way they thought  about designing and making for ever, but don’t take our word for it - see what previous participants have said about the course...

"The FabLab has been an extraordinary experience, I have learnt so much from Ian and my fellow students on our recent short course. I can't wait to use the facilities on offer at the FabLab in our product development at Dartington Crystal."

— Emma Irvine, Design Technician at Dartington Crystal (Torrington) Ltd

"It has opened up doors to new ways of thinking about projects that I have had on hold for many years. Now I can use scanning and printing of delicate objects instead of moulding and develop this into my bronze casting work. It feels great to see that the info learnt in just six sessions has opened up such possibilities."

— Luke Shepherd, Portrait Sculptor
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Skills Support for the Workforce Skills Support for the Workforce

Skills Sup­port for the Workforce

Our Skills Sup­port for the Work­force project invit­ed busi­ness­es, artists and small traders into our Fab Lab to take part in a course that trained them how to use the kit and then how to adapt it to their practice.
The Environmental Futures and Big Data Impact Lab The Environmental Futures and Big Data Impact Lab

The Envi­ron­men­tal Futures and Big Data Impact Lab

The Envi­ron­men­tal Futures and Big Data Impact Lab is a part­ner­ship of sev­en Devon-based organ­i­sa­tions, work­ing togeth­er to help busi­ness­es analyse data to cre­ate new prod­ucts and ser­vices, focus­ing on safe­guard­ing the environment.
Smart Citizens Programme Smart Citizens Programme

Smart Cit­i­zens Programme

The Smart Cit­i­zens Pro­gramme is open­ing Fab Lab Ply­mouth to com­mu­ni­ties. We’re sup­port­ing cit­i­zens in devel­op­ing skills to design and make their own objects, prod­ucts and art­work using dig­i­tal fabrication.
AYCH - Improving lives with design and digital fabrication AYCH - Improving lives with design and digital fabrication

AYCH — Improv­ing lives with design and dig­i­tal fabrication

The EU fund­ed Atlantic Cre­ative Youth Hubs Project builds a social inno­va­tion mod­el for young peo­ple sup­port­ing social entre­pre­neur­ship, employ­ment and edu­ca­tion in the cre­ative and cul­tur­al industries.
Made@EU Made@EU


Bridg­ing the dig­i­tal divide that hin­ders the use of dig­i­tal fab­ri­ca­tion knowl­edge and tech­nolo­gies in the Euro­pean cul­tur­al and cre­ative sectors.
Fab Lab in schools Fab Lab in schools

Fab Lab in schools

We want to inspire dig­i­tal mak­ers, devel­op dig­i­tal mak­ing skills in young peo­ple, and sup­port the dig­i­tal agen­da with­in the curriculum.
HackFest HackFest


Part of Ven­turefest South West, Hack­Fest is a coun­ty-wide project for young peo­ple to come togeth­er to cre­ate prod­uct pro­to­types that respond to the issues of the future.